Awakening Relationship: Opening into Intimacy


Four week class description:

It wants to open itself, like the door of a little temple, so that you might step inside and be cooled and refreshed, and less yourself than part of everything.  The Leaf and the Cloud by Mary Oliver

We know what love and intimacy is, despite our many confusions and inability to describe it in all of its complexities and subtleties. We know how it feels to us when our heart-mind-body is open to intimate contact and we feel less a separate individual being and more a part of everything.

We long for it, we pray for it, we mourn it deeply when it goes away. And yet this longing or desire for intimacy is our guide and teacher.

Much of our human journey is played out between the tension of intense desire for intimate relationships and following where our heart leads us to equally intense contractions around our difficulties and challenges in being intimate.

There is so much sorrow and pain in the world due to an inability to meet and be in intimate relationship with ourselves, our friends and partners and the earth.

We can learn to be awake in new ways to our longing for intimacy and our difficulties and challenges. True intimacy calls for the ability to choose to relate in ways which are wholeness making. Key to this is knowing who is doing the choosing.

In this four week class, we will open the door to exploration of the self who is doing the choosing to be intimate and the self who is doing the choosing to cut off and close the door to intimacy.

Course dates for 2020: January 16, 23 & February 6 & 13
7-8:30 p.m. NYC time via zoom online.

Early Bird Registration Offer:  Prior to January 1, 2020 BOGO
Regular Registration after January 1, 2010: $220.

BOGO: Prior to January 1, 2020, two friends, partners or spouses may register together with both names and email addresses at the price of one or $220.

The classes will be recorded. If you are registered for the class and cannot make the class, you will still receive a copy of the recording.

Please click here to register for this course.

If enough people are interested, this class will be extended to longer course series on intimacy and relationship which will begin in early 2020.

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