
Free teleclasses are offered to the public during the year.

You may register more than one person for the teleclass. When you register for a teleclass, you will receive a confirmation email that provides the teleconference phone number to call along with the pin/access number.

The conference system we use provides international call-in numbers as well and those numbers will be included in your confirmation email.

Also, this system has a limited number of callers it can take in each call. We recommend calling in early 5 minutes before the time of the call.

If you cannot come onto the call live, please know that all teleclasses will be recorded. The recordings can be accessed through Enlightenment Online and this website under Resources/teaching/audio.

FREE Teleclasses for 2015 and 2016
Download pdf document for “Friends and Enemies: An Introduction to the MAGI Process”
Download pdf document for all other teleclasses offered in 2015-2016

Friends and Enemies: An Introduction to the MAGI Process
June 10, 17 & 24, 2015  7-8:30 p.m. Eastern U. S.
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The MAGI Process helps to fulfill desires and work with conflicts through a process of illuminating things as they are while simultaneously engaging with our desire for change, healing and transformation. The MAGI Process offers a uniquely creative process that affects the outer world as well as the inner world.

Whether the change we seek is inside ourselves or outside in the world, the MAGI Process takes the person as the starting point for any change. The MAGI Process understands that the world we see is dependent upon the filters we are looking through. The viewer and the view, the inside and the outside are intimately connected.

Conflict, dissonance and difference are fundamental conditions of life. If we know how to use them, they are neither friend nor enemy. They are allies or powerful forces for creativity and innovation.

Intimacy is Our Natural State
Sunday, September 27, 2015  10-11:30 a.m. Eastern U. S.
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As babies, we are intimate with everything: milk, poop, dirt, toys, toes and fingers. We are open to everything. In fact, one of the important tasks of our caretaker is to help us discern or separate what is good for us and what is bad for us. This is important for our human development. As we continue to grow as human beings through the stages of childhood and adulthood, this ability to separate or reject certain things and accept other things also has unexpected consequences in our ability to be intimate with life. We develop the automatic habit of dividing the world into things we like and things we dislike.

Intimacy, however, is not arrived at by a process of exclusion but rather inclusion. True intimacy is paradoxical. It is open and cautious. It is unconditional and has boundaries. It is not encased in the prison of only this or that. Intimacy is personal, transpersonal and transcendent. It is not centered around protecting the personal self from what we do not like or rejecting things that are not as we think they should be. Intimacy starts with being connected to everything; having the eyes of the body, mind and heart open, engaged in relationship with all of life as it is, imperfect and precious.

To Awaken and Heal is Our Destiny
Sunday, November 22, 2015  10-11:30 a.m. Eastern U. S.
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What would it feel like if we realized that, from the very beginning, we were designed to look for, find and realize our true nature? How would it change us? Our greatest teacher is life itself. Of course, we don’t always trust life. Life can be unpredictable, changing course when we least expect or desire it. Being human, it is inevitable that we lose our way.  As we embrace more of who we are—flaws and all, greatness and all—our longings and desires become trustworthy. It is then that we hear the Real Self calling to us—and the wild beauty of our heart has the courage to answer.  The wild heart is open to all that is, from laughter to tears, from insight to resistance.

The Personal Ego: Betwixt and Between
Sunday, January 31, 2016  10-11:30 a.m. Eastern U. S.
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The personal ego has two important and challenging jobs. The ego’s first job is to maintain the integrity of the individual, the personal self.  Its second job—which is simultaneously happening with the first job— is to seek out the larger view in which the personal self is only a part.  Neither will give way to the other. Both are needed.  From one point of view only, we can become caught in continually striving to improve, to become ourselves, to get somewhere, to be more real and authentic and whole. From the other point of view, we can feel there is nothing for us to do. When we are in relationship to both of these points of view, we awaken to the revelation that who we already are, where we already are is already holy, already whole, and simultaneously we have a lot of work to do to heal and awaken.  Be kind to the ego. It’s not easy to rub our heads and pat our stomachs at the same time.

It Begins with an Open Heart
Sunday, February 28, 2016  10-11:30 a.m. Eastern U. S.
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When we have an openhearted attitude towards ourselves, others and all of life, we work with everything that comes—from confusion to clarity, from excitement to boredom, from joy to sorrow. We are held by the compassionate nature of Reality itself. Reality, as it is, is a Single Thing—unbroken, whole and connected. Reality is so whole that it accepts all things and moves all things towards completion. Reality—Life as it is—is so One that it includes duality.  In the beginning of our spiritual search, we think we have to add the quality of openheartedness to who we are.  Open heartedness is the nature of Reality, inviting in everything. You and Reality are One. If we want to experience the wholeness of Reality, we have to experience what it is like to let ourselves be whole, whole beyond our limited likes and dislikes of who we are or what is now occurring.

Embracing the Limited
Sunday, April 3, 2016  10-11:30 a.m. Eastern U. S.
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The hard work of awakening and healing involves getting a clear idea of just how much of reality we cannot hold, of how much of life we cannot bear. We need to see how limited we really are, without trying to escape from it or beat ourselves up for it.  Then we will have the chance to meet Life in reality and not in the fantasies of being saved from ourselves or punished for being imperfect.  It takes healing and practice to let go of some limited idea of perfection or goodness. Imperfection is the place where Life enters into your heart and mind. Compassion in action is seeing our true limitations and imperfections and accepting them with kindness instead of war.

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