From a personal only point of view, being honestly who we are, is perceived as dangerous and often an impossible task. We perceive this as opening up too much to the possibilities of being hurt, disappointed, judged, criticized, or wrong and being seen as not loveable or not good enough.
To be impeccably imperfect is to embrace the tender vulnerability of being a human being living a human life, committed to the truth as it unfolds, while wrestling with the false aspiration to be something ‘more’ than that. From a nondual perspective, we could say that to be intimate with Reality as it is appearing is to embrace the impeccably imperfect and to celebrate the preciousness of all things.
We don’t need to become someone else or wait until things are perfect to appreciate or be in relationship with the wholeness of ourselves and our lives. We are called to have a change of heart ─ to embrace our imperfections and recognize the value of every aspect including the mishaps and flaws and dissonances.
Then, the very places that once diminished our joy are revealed as places of insight, gratitude and beauty. This is holy work in which we heal our separate-only self while simultaneously awakening to our already present impeccably imperfect individual self – the one who is consonant with compassion and beauty.
Relationship & Intimacy


Nondual Play