Other Resources

To visit websites provided below, simply click on the name (blue link) .

A Society of Souls, the School for Nondual Healing and Awakening was founded by Jason Shulman and includes the four-year training program of Nondual Kabbalistic Healing™ (aka Nondual Healing™), Impersonal Movement™, the Magi Process™, Work of Return™ and Nondual Shamanism™.


EoP Diversity Process
On the first day of every month, you have an opportunity to join others in doing one small but hugely impactful thing to support plant and wildlife diversity. To do this, we will need to work with Essence of Perelandra (EoP), using the steps given below. It will take less than five minutes of your time, once a month.

Perelandra, Center for Nature Research
I have been working with Perelandra essences and processes with nature for over 20 years. I love the work of this organization and the emphasis upon collaboration with Nature. There are so many valuable resources and essences that facilitate healing and our relationship with the earth.

Other Nondual Online Classes
The online classes here are by colleagues of mine who are weaving together nondual concepts and ideas with different themes and areas of interest.

Kathy Bernstein is a Numerologist, Non-dual Healer and Teacher. The wisdom she gleans from over forty years as a Numerologist and eighteen years as a Non-dual Healer are woven into the online classes she is offering. Kathy’s classes are not just about understanding numbers and their relationships to you personally. Numbers are the nourishment that allows a deeper participation in Life, giving you the tools to make the journey Home to yourself. For Home is not a static location, it is a living relationship with Life. Kathy’s course information called The Forgotten Language of Numbers: A Journey Home to Yourself.



Disclaimer: Brenda Carter Blessings does not warrant or otherwise assume responsibility for the services provided by these practitioners and may not be held liable for any claim resulting from the use of this list of Resources. The individual using any practitioner or attending any program listed here assumes sole responsibility for determining whether a practitioner or class is right for his or her needs.


Copyright © Brenda Carter Blessings. All Rights Reserved. May not be duplicated or distributed in any form. Website development by Deborah Saunders, www.fullcirclecom.com