MAGI Process

The MAGI Process is a creative process for meeting, engaging and working with the world as it is, including imperfection, difference, constant change and dissonance as an integral part of it.

The MAGI Process was created by Jinen Jason Shulman, founder of A Society of Souls, in response to how address the relationship of conflict and helping the world to heal.

From the smallest microbes to the largest galaxies, everything is in an intense relationship that includes taking and giving, antagonism and cooperation, creation and destruction. This is the relationship between birth and death mediated by growth.

In the creation of this universe, imperfection and perfection come into being simultaneously; they have a common origin in God’s creative activity.

We make life worse for ourselves and others when we fail to create a relationship with imperfection and suffering that is infused with the awareness and tenderness of the Divine. When we do not know the Divine secret of suffering and how to use it, we deny life. We are life, so we deny ourselves. Other people are life, so we ignore their humanity and lose their beauty. God is life, so we feel separate from God. (JS)

The MAGI process brings about a change in consciousness, which allows us to access the innate wholeness of all life.  As Jason has said, “Through this, we can have palpable, real world results”

Everything that exists has a certain order, organization and vitality to it. Without this organization, it could not exist. Everything is also continually in the process of change. When structures are in the process of change, other voices or aspects that have been minor notes have the opportunity to have a greater influence. This dissonance or difference is actually what creates the imbalance to make changes occur. This is not a bad thing. It is the nature of the world.

The MAGI process 38 steps are statements that evoke steps of this change process from one form to another. The words used to describe these steps are poetic. Each step is designed to stop ordinary thinking and bring the practitioner to a direct experience of the natural creative unfolding of Reality.

As we work with the steps of the MAGI process, people recognize something familiar. They start to see patterns and relationships in their own life. They start to have statements pop out at them when thinking about themselves, their lives or some problem. The MAGI starts to impact our thinking by revealing the nature of the world and the ongoing process of creation and manifestation.

If you would like to learn more about the MAGI Process or take a teleclass or workshop based on this powerful work, please write  Please put MAGI in the subject line.

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