A Society of Souls

bb-arlene-jasonA Society of Souls was founded over 18 years ago by Jinen Jason Shulman, who is a unique combination of modern healing master, Kabbalist and recognized Buddhist teacher.

He has seamlessly integrated theistic and non-theistic thought and practice, uniting work on the personal self – with all of its suffering and beauty—with learning how to reside in the spaciousness of the Absolute.

The work of A Society of Souls includes Nondual Kabbalistic Healing, Impersonal Movement, Work of Return and the MAGI Process.

A Society of Souls is both a meeting place of the heart and a training in healing and spiritual awakening.  It is both a school and a community for seekers of the truth, for explorers into the nature of reality, and, most important, for those seeking a transformation of spirit that will lead to an opening into the true heart of life.

Nondual Healing, which is the central work of the school, is a four year training program.

To learn more about the work of A Society of Souls, please go to our website at www.societyofsouls.com

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